Spent another 2 hours this morning at the hospital just to be told by Audiology that Amelia does still have a hearing loss and that , yes, they feel hearing aids might be the best option. IF only departments talked to each other they might have known she only had her hearing tested last week by ENT and that we are due back in a month's time to have moulds made for hearing aids!!!!!!
To be honest I am feeling quite down, still full of cold and all I seem to do is wander around aimlessly not acheiving anything and not knowing quite what to attempt next. So much still needs organising in preparation for the extension and with the children in tow it's just impossible to do any of it. I have got to try so hard to keep my focus with this extension. As the building work intrudes more and more on the house I need to look past the mess and disruption and think of how much better our lives will be with the extra space. I know it won't solve the "issues" we have with Amelia but having more space and organisation can only reduce the day to day stress. We were always told we couldn't change Amelia's needs and that we needed to change her environment to suit them...and that is just what we are trying to do!
I desperately want to shut myself away and craft but that just isn't going to happen yet!
Tuesday, 31 July 2007
Monday, 30 July 2007
Chocachino card!!!

Struggled to find time to craft today, the building works have started to intrude into the house and I am trying to tie up a few loose ends. I had it in my mind to make a chocolastic card for the challenge on Just Bex, but rather than stick with something I am comfortable with- I tried a different style and STAMPING!!! I am not really a stamper and I am not at all happy with it!!!! Had so many interruptions I wonder how I am going to continue doing any crafting!!!
But on a much more positive note...we have BIG walls!!!
Saturday, 28 July 2007
Paper roses!!!

Finished another challenge on Just Bex. This one was one I never got around to last month!
"we all have paper roses - don't we? maybe they aren't as 'hip' and 'trendy' as they were so .... we are challenging you to make a card with A PAPER ROSE BUD (we mean paper roses NOT blooms or primas) "
A simple card, hope to make a few more for my stock...once I am up to date with all the challenges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (yeah, OK, I know that will never happen!!)
Wooo hooo...a tiny bit of craft time!!!

Children went to stay at Nanny & Grandad's house last night, coming back home on Sunday afternoon. So Chris and me are running around trying to get as much done whislt we are "childfree!" Later we are touring bathroom showrooms..not one of Amelia's favorite pastimes..well Jack's neither!
Managed to make a card last night for the Just Bex, strawberry & kiwi challenge and today I have put the final touches to this weeks "All checked out" dare. I did a double take on this week's dare card and sneaked in the use of some decorative edge scissors to also meet the Scissor challenge on Just Bex. Notice I have opened my splat flowers!!! (BIG GRIN) I also delved into my new paper stash for that gingham paper..I must buy more of that one me thinks!!!
Friday, 27 July 2007
Day 2 of the school holidays!!!

Not feeling much better, had a good sleep but still full of flu. The children are driving me mad already...they are great individually but it is sooo difficult to find activities that both of them are happy with for more than a few minutes. Get something that suits Jack and there is no way it will hold Amelia's concentration so it usually end up distrupted. On the other hand, if we do something that holds Amelia's attention...it bores Jack to tears!!!! WE attempted colouring and playdough today!!!
I have put off giving AMELIA HER EAR DROPS (oops sorry for shouting!) it was awful yesterday, she got herself into such a state over it and last night it took both Chris and me to try to hold her down, calm her, and eventually pursuade her it wasn't going to hurt. She screamed, but very shortly afterwards she gave a big grin and said "OK now!" I just hope she gets used to the routine very quickly!!!
Anyway, in an attempt to get myself organised I have made myself a spreadsheet of challenges, mainly from those on Just Bex, but there are other I want to incorporate such as Bumbleberry, Carolyn's and DCM......I am going to be one busy ol' lady!!!! IF the children ever let me have more than 5 minutes to myself that is.
Took pic of the card I finished yesterday...not really happy with it, like I said earlier.. I really seem to have lost my mojo!! Need to shift this rotten bug if I am ever going to cope with the children, the building work, Amelia's therapies...and fit in even a tad of craftiness!!
Thursday, 26 July 2007
First day of the school holidays and....
....I have come down with the flu!!! Have been feeling very drained and full of aches and pains just but put it down to trying to cram so much into my days. I have really struggled with the kiddies, especially when I tried to put the drops in Amelia's ears- she was really not impressed and I almost had to pin her down!!!
Got the children out in the conservatory with me for a while and let them cut up offcuts of old card and stick them on some large sheets of papers, it didn't last long though. It was long enough to finish a card I need for tomorrow so after that I have called it "a day" and resorted to curling up on the settee with them watching a DVD. I am desperately trying to keep my eyes open at the moment!!!!
Got the children out in the conservatory with me for a while and let them cut up offcuts of old card and stick them on some large sheets of papers, it didn't last long though. It was long enough to finish a card I need for tomorrow so after that I have called it "a day" and resorted to curling up on the settee with them watching a DVD. I am desperately trying to keep my eyes open at the moment!!!!
Wednesday, 25 July 2007
Slowly, slowly catchy monkey!!!

Things seem to be on a go slow and I am unable to say anything is really done and dusted and can be forgotten about. My daily routine just gets more and more crammed and I am finding it harder and harder to switch off, even at night- my body shuts down but my poor likkle brain tries so hard to sorty and de-clutter and organise.
I have been playing on the computer today, making up some resources for Amelia to use over the schoool holidays. Some of her targets at school were to be able to write her name using recognisable letter formations and to be able to write and recognise numbers 1-5. I have BIG issues with this as no writing program is in place and her fine motor skills are very delayed.
My first goal is for her to be able to say her name, if you ask her what her name is she will spell out the sounds A-m-e-l-i-a but is unable to sound out the syllables A-me-li-a. So today I have printed out her name and I am laminating like a mad woman later.
I would be so, so proud if she could meet even part of her targets in the school holidays!! So our house looks well and truely like this weird mixture of building site, craft shop and classsroom with letter and number friezes everywhere!!
Talking of building sites, our walls are a bit more defined in preparation of the damp proof course being laid, hopefully some time this week. We have the brick layers back at the weekend and I am praying that VERY soon we will have even a little bit of security in the garden so I can at least let Amelia go out and play for a while.
Had a couple of cards to make today, but I seem to have lost heart..I sat getting frustrated and never happy with what I had done...so I only managed to complete one, the other is in bits all over my very messy work table!! I think my mojo is hiding somewhere under the mess too!!!
Tuesday, 24 July 2007
We've got your number!!

What an appropriate little extra DARE for me today seeing as I am taking Amelia to a 5th Birthday party after school today!!! Finished the last of the teacher's cards now and rushed through the Birthday Girl's card this afternoon. BIG mistake to use the glossy accents on the large number, I rushed, it bubbled and I had to take pic while it was still wet...but hey ho...she is 5....hopefully she won't mind the bubble effect number 5!!!!
Could not resist using one of my new papers....slap my wrist, should try to use up more scraps first!!!
Good old Mr Postie!!!

Knowing I am in need of a bit of cheer and a good ol' fashioned "kick up the bum" to keep me motivated Mr Postie arrived bright and early today with a pizza box of goodies from Gorilla Crafts...I had some pennies in my paypal account crying out "spend me, spend me!" So I did.
And what better timing, still got a few black clouds looming but a little burst of crafty sunshine keeps glimmering through! All at bargain prices...now who can resist a bargain, certainly not a crafty bargain. 12 x 12 papers started at 14p a sheet!!!
Cannot wait to try out those splat flowers!!
Monday, 23 July 2007
A tough day today.

Feeling rather drained and to be honest a bit low. After nearly 2 hours at the hospital this afternoon it has been decided that Amelia MAY benefit from hearing aids. It took ages before she would tolerate her glasses, so I can imagine we have a very long, bumpy road ahead of us. She is still so congested that I need to get some sodium bicarb drops and use daily and go back in a month's time when they hope to start making moulds. Her hearing loss isn't that bad at the moment but come wintertime she really suffers. Yet another hurdle for us to jump..better get my pogo stick at the ready.
Anyway, despite the rushing back and forth today, I did mange to complete my 7th teachers card, only one more to make now. It is my own fault, I got a bit sidetracked by the Pocket dare and decided to make matching "bookmark" tags to go in each of the other cards!!! Yes, I am a glutton for punishment even when I have no time for breathe. Piccies are awful, but it hasn't stopped raining all afternoon!!!
What was your 1st LO?

This was mentioned on Just Bex and got me delving through my computer files in search of my first ever LO. I can remember really panicking about this as it was not only my first ever LO but also my first project as part of the Design Team on Little Cottage Crafts. I don't think I am a natural crafter, I ponder so much over design and colour and layout, changing my mind every few minutes!!! That was a year ago in March, just after my 40th Birthday.....I haven't become any more decisive now at 41.......hmmm...or have I? Can't make my mind up.
Managed a few more teacher's cards over the weekend but today is hectic as hectic gets. Had Jack's sports day events this morning, quick pitstop, cuppa tea and a bite of lunch then it's off to the hospital with Amelia this afternoon to see the ENT specialist...anyone know where I can find a few more hours to put into my days?
Saturday, 21 July 2007
A good day!!!

End of Week 3! Building work has really slowed down over the last few days but we were asked if it would be OK for the bricklayers to come in over the weekend!!! WE , of course, jumped at the chance. With the kiddies breaking up from school on Wednesday, the more we get done - the better!!!
So despite the rain....we now have "walls!" Well very little walls, but walls all the same. It isn't even up to damp proof level at the moment but it does give us a chance to start visualising the new space! They are back again tomorrow so fingers crossed we have at least a few dry hours so that some of the mud gets a chance to dry a bit.
Today Jack had another Karate grading- he has 3 a year if he is up to standard. We managed to get care for Amelia and I went along to watch for the first grading in the 2 years Jack has been doing Karate. As he was at Grade 5, he now has to grade in the same session as the adults and other juniors of higher grades. He looked so small!!!
I am one very proud mummy again as not only has he graded, he has skipped a belt and gone straight to a grade 4 rather than a temporary grade. It seems such a big jump now as he has 3 brown belts to get.....then black!!! I hope he sticks with it as it gets harder and hard now to meet the standard for grading and his age is against him as he is still only 7!
No crafting today, I am going to open a bottle of wine and do some knitting this evening...but tomoorw I have 4 teachers cards to make!! Nothing like leaving things to the last minute is there!!
Friday, 20 July 2007
My "Pocket" for a teacher!

Keeping the theme going of "Thank you for Helping me grow"...yes the one I stole from the Bumbleberry Pen Tidy Challenge!!!......I came up with an idea of the flowers "growing" from a pocket for this weeks dare on DCM. I snuck ( is that a word?) in some doodling the comply with another challenge on Just Bex.
It's my turn - (Lynne) - to set the dare this week. oooOOoooOOooooOOOoo!!!!!!!!My first Dare. I’m so nervous, I can’t believe that it’s my turn already.I’ve gone for something nice and easy - had to break myself in gently.POCKETS I’d like to see lots and lots of pockets. Pockets full of posies, Brass in Pocket (love the Pretenders).Pockets on clothes, Pockets from clothes, Library Pocket, Pockets of this and Pockets of that. Get the idea? Pockets and Pockets of Pockets.
I dillied and dallied over this again, but once I had decided what papers to use I thoroughly enjoyed another great challenge. Thank you again, for all those that inspired!!
PS...did you spot the new ribbon?
Thursday, 19 July 2007
Scrummy ribbons!!

Not managed any crafting yet today but Mr Postie has just dropped these lovely ribbons through my door. I use gingham a lot and all of a sudden my "basic" ribbon supply looks rather low. Picturing them all together made my think of the colours I tend to use, obviously an "Earthy person!!!!"....or just plain dull!!! .....not sure which LOL!
Spy the black lace trimming inspired by the DCM Haberdashery dare last week!!!!
Wednesday, 18 July 2007
Wednesday's Creations!

Been in a right funny ol' mood today, stil ldangling about Amelia's support and really not sure what is happening. I have a Speech & Language appointment at the school tomorrow with a new therapist so I might be enlightened then. I think it is madness to leave it so late.
Building work is progressing well, the foundations were laid yesterday and we are just taking delivery of blocks, bricks and sand...it looks like the Sahara on the front frive the kiddies will think we have our own beach!!!
Tried to get myself motivated but I hate having so many loose ends and I just feel nothing is really progressing although if I look at things seperately, they are.
Made another 2 cards today. My Mum asked me to make my cousin a "New Home" card, which fitting in perfectly with a challenge on Crafts by Carolyn. After that I faffed around not really knowing what to do, but having another 6 teacher's card to make for next week I used another challenge on Just Bex for a bit of inspiration. The teacher's card was a template challenge and I haven't followed many templates. I struggled at first trying to decide what papers to use but after that it was plain sailing. Had fun using these colours!
Thank you for another 2 great challenges. What would I do without you at the moment!!
Tuesday, 17 July 2007
Faux Thanks!

Managed to finish off the toppers I started yesterday and got another card off my "To do" list.
The toppers are a simplified version of last Friday's DCM Dare..I loved doing this and think I will make many more versions in the future, thank you for such an inspiring Dare!!!
I have also attempted today's DCM Extra challenge "Faking it!! Not sure if it really fits the criteria but here goes:
Chipboard circle tag, cut using Sizzix Circle Frame Combo
"Ribbon" effect using a scrap of dotty paper..colours just matched perfectly.
"Ric-Rac" stem, cut using QK die (the first time I have used it!!BLUSH)
"Flower "Button" lifted idea from the teams creation!! ( another blush)
Wording stolen from the Pen Tidy Challenge on Bumbleberry Crafts!!! (triple blush)
And yeaaaahhh....only 6 more Teacher's cards to make!!
Monday, 16 July 2007
Monday madness!

Been a weird weekend for us all, had a lot to do around the house and garden in a vain attempt to keep tidy as we go along!!! Hmmmm...I'd give up on that idea but I am not a quitter! Chris did a few more runs to the tip and we had a great bonfire to clear some of the old wood from the old sheds and outbuildings that have been knocked down. I have another wheelie bin full of garden rubbish and stilll loads and loads to clear!!
Saturday was our 11th "anniversary" of the day Chris and I met, so once the kiddies were in bed, we treated ourselves to a huge curry and a rather yummy bottle of wine. Woke up Sunday morning to the sound of torrential rain and thunder, I opened the curtains expecting to have this moat around the house but luckily it wasn't as bad as I had expected.
Sunday we visited the In-Laws as Chris's brother popped over from France and we hadn't seen him for almost a year. Spent a lovely day there, a good roast dinner followed by a walk in the park with the kiddies. The weather turned out to be glorious!
Today has been pretty uneventful, bit of housework, bit of crafting. I have managed to complete the first of eight Thank you cards for the teachers, then I got sidetracked into starting some toppers. I enjoyed making the latest DMC dare so much I am adapting my design into toppers. Had to collect Amelia from school early as she was poorly, so I didn't get a chance to finish them YET!!!
Treated myself to a few ribbons today, mostly gingham...my stock has suddenly got very low. As soon as I have 5 minutes spare I am going to treat myself to a few more goodies too!!!!All I need now is a few "spare" minutes to decide exactly what I am going to buy....that could take me days...don't call myself Dilly Dally Dingle for nothing!!
Saturday was our 11th "anniversary" of the day Chris and I met, so once the kiddies were in bed, we treated ourselves to a huge curry and a rather yummy bottle of wine. Woke up Sunday morning to the sound of torrential rain and thunder, I opened the curtains expecting to have this moat around the house but luckily it wasn't as bad as I had expected.
Sunday we visited the In-Laws as Chris's brother popped over from France and we hadn't seen him for almost a year. Spent a lovely day there, a good roast dinner followed by a walk in the park with the kiddies. The weather turned out to be glorious!
Today has been pretty uneventful, bit of housework, bit of crafting. I have managed to complete the first of eight Thank you cards for the teachers, then I got sidetracked into starting some toppers. I enjoyed making the latest DMC dare so much I am adapting my design into toppers. Had to collect Amelia from school early as she was poorly, so I didn't get a chance to finish them YET!!!
Treated myself to a few ribbons today, mostly gingham...my stock has suddenly got very low. As soon as I have 5 minutes spare I am going to treat myself to a few more goodies too!!!!All I need now is a few "spare" minutes to decide exactly what I am going to buy....that could take me days...don't call myself Dilly Dally Dingle for nothing!!
Friday, 13 July 2007
Thank goodness it's Friday!

So glad this week is over, I am so shattered and my sleep is all over the place. Been falling asleep on the settee at 9pm but spending 11pm to about 1am just laying there unable to stop my poor little brain from working. It was so bad last night I got up and got a book from the Down Syndrome Group's Resource library that I have been working on, and lay there reading!!
The building has stopped for a few days, had Building Control around today who wanted a few changes made, but the builders still hope to lay the concrete foundations Tuesday. Fingers crossed- I am hoping that I will have a least some security to the garden before the school holidays start otherwise we will be like prisoners in our own home!
After running around this morning I managed to get some crafting done this afternoon. As I sat in my conservatory a beautiful butterfly decided to flap around to brighten my day. I too flapped around trying to get a decent pic of it, but it was too energtic for me and this was the best I could manage"!!
Anyway I was inspired by the dare launched today on DCM:
G'day all, Gillian here, and it's my turn to dare you all this week
Your card can be any theme you like, just as long as it's got something you'd find in a Haberdashery Department on it
Alright then, grab that old sewing basket of yours or raid your sewing machine drawer, have a look at what creative bits are hidding away there....maybe it's buttons, a zip, hook & eye's, ribbons, braids, Dressmaking patterns, tape measures,Pins & Needles, lace, safety pins or embroidery thread....
Your card can be any theme you like, just as long as it's got something you'd find in a Haberdashery Department on it
Alright then, grab that old sewing basket of yours or raid your sewing machine drawer, have a look at what creative bits are hidding away there....maybe it's buttons, a zip, hook & eye's, ribbons, braids, Dressmaking patterns, tape measures,Pins & Needles, lace, safety pins or embroidery thread....
Haven't managed a DCM dare for aaaages and I thoroughly enjoyed making this as I sat amongst the rubble! Used ribbons, buttons, twill, lace and of course stitching!! Oh yes, and felt!!!
Wednesday, 11 July 2007
Another 2 off my list!!

Building work is really progressing today, they have started digging foundations and have dug out more of the garden to extend the patio....hopefully you will soon be able to visualise the space!!!! Sooooo excited!!!
Bee a busy bee again today, not done much but have crossed another 2 cards off my to do list and started cutting more flower dies in preparation! Not sure about the last card...seems a bit too bottom heavy...bit like me really!
Tuesday, 10 July 2007
All diggers and dumper trucks today!!

It's all go here today, digger arrived before 8am, much to the children's delight. After that it was an uphill struggle to get them away from the window! I now have the digger excavating out the back and a huge muck picker upper truck (very technical eh!) picking up our lovely new rockery from the front drive. Later I have Telewest around to resite cables and phone junction boxes!!!
As all mayhem goes on around me I am sitting in the tranquility (well OK maybe not) of my conservatory, crafting away!!!
Popped on a few pics from the weekend, see our likkle cat is not at all stressed by it all!!
Monday, 9 July 2007

I have managed to make the next card on my to do list today. I took inspiration from another Just Bex challenge "Simply Stamping" where you had to include a stamped sentiment! I am really not a stamper and rumaged around to try to find something suitable. Eventually I found this Whispers stamp that, if I remember rightly, I bought as used from a forum member..and have never, ever got around to trying!!! Shame on me. I quite like it to be honest, must try to improve my stamping though!!
Used up some more scraps and cut and layered a flower from "Spicy-Paprika" by Three bugs in a rug.

After a funny ol' morning running around because of "Sports Day" and builders, I am trying to actually achieve something today and make a few cards and toppers. So far I have done this one for a friend of Jack's and while I was cutting the little TVs and controls I managed to make another 6 toppers in a similar design.
I made this for the Die Cut Dreams Challenge on Just Bex. I have used Sizzix Square frame die and my all time favs pigeon toed charms. Also QK TV and game control dies. Don't particualarly like the jazzy paper, but I am on a mission to use scraps and I found this and thought it would be suitable for an 8 yr old boy!!!
Friday, 6 July 2007
Last minute card

Amidst the chaos of all the building work my neighbour's daughter asked me if I'd make a card for her boyfriend who is 18 on Sunday. My next "priority" is a crd for Tuesday so I thought "why not!"
Not sure about it to be honest but I think that is just the way I am feeling today, just so many loose ends need to be tied and I seem to be all fingers and thumbs!!! I am going to curl up with a glass of wine and some knitting now!
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