After speaking to the LEA last week - a draft statement dropped through my letterbox today. I now have a huge pile of papers to sift through and 15 days to reply. I am not going to accept the 15 hours they are fingers crossed our wishes will be taken into consideration and that we won't need to appeal again or go to tribunal.
Funny enough, I feel like a huge weight has been lifted off my shoulders already, even though we still have a long way to go. I have been busy reading about Fine Motor Skills in children with Down Syndrome and this has spurred me on into actually working with DD again!!
Yesterday, I downloaded a font to use for writing practise, laminated loads of little word cards to help DD with her Speech & Language and then we had great fun playing number hopscotch with some old cork tiles I rescued from the depths of the garage. I originally got the tiles to cut shapes from with my sizzix machine, but the cork was too fat!! See I knew I'd find a use for them one day! I have just written numbers on with a big black marker pen and we are jumping around like lunatics trying to do some number recognition. I have so many ideas for therapy/games/resources but just no time to get them all done. I need to make some sensory stuff- a weighted lap pad, little buttoned bags to help and encourage fine motor skills and some good old fashioned playdoh!!!!!
I haven't done much crafting over the last few days, the LEA issue just took over and until I have the statement we want, all approved and the support in place I will still have to continue my "fight!"
Thought about the extension today- I have decided to get all my personal birthday cards made to cover until the end of the year- not sure how long after all the work is done before I will get the chance again. I will try to get my list organised tonight and spend some time, hopefully every day, making a few at a time.
Tuesday, 27 February 2007
Thursday, 22 February 2007
Not a total waste of a day

Fed up with yet more paperwork, constant phone calls to try and get some "legal" advice about the LEA situation, I threw the mound of papers (boring LEA ones- not scrummy 12x12 ones!) into the corner of the dining room.
After making a hot cuppa, took myself into the depths of the conservatory for some craft therapy!!Not done much, just another Mother's day topper in keeping with yesterdays topper- I finished off yet another scrap of the Winnies Wall paper. OOO...all the "de-cluttering" is going to my head now- must have another cuppa before the school run!
Another crafty day....errrr...NOT!!!
I rang LEA today to check if they had recieved DDs last OT report as they needed to shortly make a decision as whether or not to statement her!!! WELL. the good new is that they have decided "Well of course, you and I both know that X needs a statement!" Waaay hayyy at last, the penny has dropped, someone, somewhere has finally seen sense. BUT and it's a big but, they also have decided that she would be best provided in a specialist educations setting!! OK- let's put this into perspective, we have a 5 year old girl with DS who last year was capable of being thrown into a mainstream school with no statement, no additional classroom support and no staff training or knowledge to meet her needs. Now they are saying that "the powers and knowledge of the LEA" feel a SN School would suit her best. I am not saying DD is some undiscovered genius BUT she is fairly on par with a few other children I know with DS, in MS school, with support (from the start) and who are coping very well at this level of their education. I at least wanted to give her the opportunity to have a fair stab at mainstream, even if it's only for a couple of years- research has shown that this really benefits children with DS as they can copy appropriate role models!!! The LEA then go on to say that she has been given 15 hours a week! ( The other children I know in MS are getting 25-30hours!) I am feeling sooo mixed up. If I accept the 15 hours, the final statement can be approved and "legally" ( for what that's worth?) the school will need to put the provision in place straight away! If I reject it, then it obviously means DD has to continue with no support while I appeal and go to tribunal if necessary!!!! HELP.......why oh why is this happening, they have already wasted so much time she just cannot afford to spare! Sorry for rant, this was supposed to be a "free day" full of lovley relaxing crafty stuff!
Wednesday, 21 February 2007
Bits and Pieces.

After yet another wasted morning in a numeracy workshop I decided that this afternoon I would be productive and at least achieve something today. Had loads of scraps of paper on my desk, including the offcuts from yesterdays toppers. SO- I decided to make another version using the same papers to use it up. Then I dug deep to see what overs scraps I could use!!!
This is what I came up with shown above. I feel the word "MUM" in black needs a little something, might have to attack it with my metallic rub on creamy stuff!
I have had a few questions about the corsages so I will TRY to take some step by step pics to show you how easy they really are to make.
Tuesday, 20 February 2007
Dilly Dally Dingle strikes again!

So much for my afternoon of crafting- I dillied, I dallied, I dillied and I dallied, lost my way....oooo...enough of that, sorry! After faffing around I finally decided what to do and all I have achieved is 2 Mother's Day toppers! Used up some scraps of paper I got from Little Cottage Crafts Together with brads and ribbons from Crafts by Caroyln.
Oh well, at least it's a start.
Lets get crafting

Kiddies at school so I am trying to tie up a few crafty loose ends!! Just decorated a few more corsages - they have been "undressed" in that bag for far too long now. Most are the same as the daisy I have previously shown but I have finally sewn up and decorated my first knitted rose.
Time for a spot of lunch and nice hot cuppa and this afternoon I am hoping to make a start on some toppers for Mother's Day! Goodness, this is unlike to be so ahead of myself!!
Back to school tomorrow!
Last day of having kiddies at home!! Had the architect come around this morning, we ran through the dimensions and what we excited, but still have too long to wait. My little craft room with a big "DO NOT DISTURB- MUMMY CRAFTING" sign on the door is imprinted on my mind!! It will give us back the conservatory as a family room again, and also allow me to craft all year without having to dress up for the Antarctic first. That's not even the half of it though, it will benefit us all so much as a family as well as obviously being so much easier coping with DDs therapies and daily needs.
Oh well, little uniforms all folded neatly, PE kits washed and awaiting in the hall, book bags all checked ....oh still need to clean shoes!!! Then that's me done for...literally. I am going to get some crafting done tomorrow...yippeeee!
Oh well, little uniforms all folded neatly, PE kits washed and awaiting in the hall, book bags all checked ....oh still need to clean shoes!!! Then that's me done for...literally. I am going to get some crafting done tomorrow...yippeeee!
Monday, 19 February 2007
No crafting today
Been out at all day today visiting Mother & Father-in-law. It's been a great day and the kiddies have been little darlings (well most of the time!) Had a lovely day but I am still really suffering with this awful headache. It has been lingering for ages now and I just can't shift it.
Tomorrow morning we have the archietect coming around to take some measurements for our extension drawings- I am getting rather impatient now and want to start as soon as possible. The kiddies are still at home tomorrow as they both have staff training days but hopefully after that the week can be spent playing yet more catch up. What with the children being on school hols and all the assessments- it's been hard to keep on top of everything.
Struggling to keep my eyes open now- I am off to the land of nod!!
Tomorrow morning we have the archietect coming around to take some measurements for our extension drawings- I am getting rather impatient now and want to start as soon as possible. The kiddies are still at home tomorrow as they both have staff training days but hopefully after that the week can be spent playing yet more catch up. What with the children being on school hols and all the assessments- it's been hard to keep on top of everything.
Struggling to keep my eyes open now- I am off to the land of nod!!
Saturday, 17 February 2007
It's catch up time.

We have been spending today playing "catch up" but not getting very far. We have managed to produce 2 bigs black sacks full of clutter but stil the house looks like a bombsite. (I have some amazingly clean and tidy cupboards though!)
Chris made good progress in the garage- dismantled a big shelving unit and re-assembled it in the playhouse at the bottom of the garden. IF this extension is ever going to get done we still have so much to do!
This afternoon I have plodded through the card I needed to make, with loads of stopping and starting and interruptions from the kiddies (& Chris) I got done eventually, but the lighting really wasn't that good by the time I had finished!! Got a busy day visiting family tomorrow so I might not get another chance to take pics, so here they are- as good as they are gonna get!
Friday, 16 February 2007
I need a glass of wine!!
Well, glad the assessments are over with- we are all feeling absolutely exhausted, both physically and emotionally. On top of all the stress of the assessments DD has been really poorly again today with tummy troubles. We got the chance to speak to a nutritionalist as part of our BIBIC assessments and I have a few new changes to DDs diet I can try out. We have also had a referral on the NHS now. I feel the need for me to do a lot more research into diet and vitamin supplements as this seems to be happening more and more often now!
I thought I would post up a few details about my likkle flower corsage. It is really simple and quick to make up. Basically you wind your wool in a figure of eight around spikes on a little loom then sew around the loops to form the centre of the flower. I have seen some lovely double "looms" advertised in a few books, but so far only been able to track a single loom down. I got a kit from Twilleys-a fab little starter kit including some wool, thread for sewing, sequins and beads to embellish.
I have also been busy knitting some flowers, again using odds of wool in a vain attempt to de-clutter. using up an odd bit of wool is going to make a difference!! I will try to sew a few of those up tonight and embellish them. Will load piccies as soon as possible but have to somehow find time to make a card tomorrow!!
I thought I would post up a few details about my likkle flower corsage. It is really simple and quick to make up. Basically you wind your wool in a figure of eight around spikes on a little loom then sew around the loops to form the centre of the flower. I have seen some lovely double "looms" advertised in a few books, but so far only been able to track a single loom down. I got a kit from Twilleys-a fab little starter kit including some wool, thread for sewing, sequins and beads to embellish.
I have also been busy knitting some flowers, again using odds of wool in a vain attempt to de-clutter. using up an odd bit of wool is going to make a difference!! I will try to sew a few of those up tonight and embellish them. Will load piccies as soon as possible but have to somehow find time to make a card tomorrow!!
Thursday, 15 February 2007
Oh my- I am shattered

Had the first of a 2 day assessment with DD today. We were all up before 6am and out the house just after 7am. Took us just over an hour to drive down to Deal in Kent, where the assessments were being carried out. We are all absolutley shattered.
Kiddies now settled in bed and I am going to run myself a nice, long, hot bath!! Ah...bliss.Got another early start and more assessments tomorrow- we will be well and truely shattered tomorrow evening!
Not done any crafting today but for my crafty input I will show you a very basic corsage I made last month. Very simple to make and gets rid of some of those odds of wool I have ( boxes of) up in the loft!!! Oh the shame of it!! I have made up several more in a few different colours, but not got around to embellishing the centres yet.
Wednesday, 14 February 2007
Be my Valentine!

Had to go back to the hospital first thing this morning. Just so glad that Chris had the day off of work as I would never have managed it by myself. We now have a special seat for DD, it looked quite daunting at first-loads of levers and padding, but it seems so much more flexible to suit her needs than your average chair. I would never have managed to get back to the car with it and the two children, or fit it in the back of my car come to think of it.
Spending a lovely day together, just made and iced some fairy cakes and we are about to play some games by pulling activities out of a "hat!"
As for Valentines, the best pressie is having Chris at home with us...but the choccies and bubbly were very nice too!!! Going to get the kiddies to bed later, have a nice meal together and watch the King Kong DVD Chris came home with. ( He only went out for steak and mushrooms!) romantic!
My card went down very well, here are a few pics of the other side I made up last night!
Tuesday, 13 February 2007
The end of another day.
After a complete waste of time and yet another pointless hospital appointment I came home feeling rather drained. Kiddies sorted, I locked myself away with my stash and made hubby's valentine card double sided. I will load some piccies tomorrow- really please with the results. Not done much creativity since Xmas!!!!
Now I am going to curl up on the settee with a nice glass of wine.
Cheers everyone!
Now I am going to curl up on the settee with a nice glass of wine.
Cheers everyone!
Hey, hey, hey, what a beautiful day!!
Such a contrast to yesterdays grey skies. Today is clear and crisp and the sky is a wonderful , cloudless blue!! Makes such a difference.
But still - I am going through the day with mixed emotions as later on we have to see the Paediatrician. I know DD has improved so much since she was last seen back in the summer, but until I get her some support at school I need to prove the gap between her and her peers is significant!! The LEA have been given loads of evidence from the many "proffessionals" involved but it didn't stop them from refusing to even assess her last year. After months of fighting, here we are again- our lives in the hands of the LEA. We WILL get there eventually, she is my daughter and she deserves the best education I can get for her.
Also had a phone call from BIBIC who we are having yet more assessments with later in the week. Their Speech & Language therapist isn't able to make it!!! Still waiting to hear how the time will be re-allocated, I bet they don't knock a chunk of our bill off though!
Still, that's enough of the doledrums (sp?) let's get a wiggle on and do something constructive!
Off to find my mojo!!
But still - I am going through the day with mixed emotions as later on we have to see the Paediatrician. I know DD has improved so much since she was last seen back in the summer, but until I get her some support at school I need to prove the gap between her and her peers is significant!! The LEA have been given loads of evidence from the many "proffessionals" involved but it didn't stop them from refusing to even assess her last year. After months of fighting, here we are again- our lives in the hands of the LEA. We WILL get there eventually, she is my daughter and she deserves the best education I can get for her.
Also had a phone call from BIBIC who we are having yet more assessments with later in the week. Their Speech & Language therapist isn't able to make it!!! Still waiting to hear how the time will be re-allocated, I bet they don't knock a chunk of our bill off though!
Still, that's enough of the doledrums (sp?) let's get a wiggle on and do something constructive!
Off to find my mojo!!
Monday, 12 February 2007
Miserable, murky Monday
First day of school holidays, it wet and cold and DD has been awake most of the night with a terrible cough!! It's our only appointment free day left this week too!! I think we will be spending the day all cuddled up on the settee watching the kiddies favourite films. Lots of calpol, tissues and vapour rub...and that's just me! LOL.
Last night I started cutting Xmas wreaths, so if I don't manage anything else crafty today, I will at least do some more of those!!
What's next on the crafty agenda:
Birthday card for Sister-inLaw
Anniversary card
My mums Birthday card
then onto Mother's day...if I get the chance
Last night I started cutting Xmas wreaths, so if I don't manage anything else crafty today, I will at least do some more of those!!
What's next on the crafty agenda:
Birthday card for Sister-inLaw
Anniversary card
My mums Birthday card
then onto Mother's day...if I get the chance
Sunday, 11 February 2007
Getting there now!!

Manged to get a bit more of hubby's card made this afternoon. He kept the kiddies busy and I locked myself out with my stash and a nice hot cuppa!!! Here are the results so far!
Design heavily influenced by the Daring Cardmakers dare. Scrummy gingham ribbons by Crafts by Carolyn, angel kisses and blooms by Little Cottage Crafts...and soppy wording by ME!
She chants...I will be organised, I will be organised..
Another one of my "goals" for 2007 was to be more organised....cough, splutter, blush!!
A few crafters on some of my forum hide-outs mentioned about making X amount of Christmas cards each month. Well because we have the house extension looming this year and space will be an issue- I am just making up Xmas embellies instead.
Last month I cut and made up 50 little QK reindeer heads...and last night I completed 50 little QK Xmas trees!!!! Will try to load some piccies later depending on how gloomy it is- very grey and murky at the moment.
My fingers are itching to get back to work on hubby's Valentine Card- but not sure that will happen today...I will need to come up with a cunning and devious plan!!
A few crafters on some of my forum hide-outs mentioned about making X amount of Christmas cards each month. Well because we have the house extension looming this year and space will be an issue- I am just making up Xmas embellies instead.
Last month I cut and made up 50 little QK reindeer heads...and last night I completed 50 little QK Xmas trees!!!! Will try to load some piccies later depending on how gloomy it is- very grey and murky at the moment.
My fingers are itching to get back to work on hubby's Valentine Card- but not sure that will happen today...I will need to come up with a cunning and devious plan!!
Saturday, 10 February 2007
Todays Valentine efforts!

Well DD never went to the party this afternoon, she has yet another poorly tummy!!
I must try to look further into this. Not sure if it's her diet, just her metabolism with a few quirky Down Syndrome traits...or what!!!
Did manage to get a bit of crafting done though- not much but I have finished part of hubby's Valentine card. Decided against using real hessian, it looked a bit too bulky so I chose a "hessian paper" instead. Here are a few tasters of what he has in store.
Now Chris- if you peep- SHAME ON YOU!!!
What a grey day!!
A very dull, drizzly day outside- want to keep warm and snug indoors all day.
Well- I did warn you in my title and my profile about what a ditherer I am- took me most of yesterday afternoon flicking through papers and rummaging through my ribbons. Finally I chose what to use on hubby's card......and then I had to collect kiddies from school!!(hmmm)
I have left my inspiration spread in bits and pieces all over the desk in the conservatory!! (discreetly hidden with the backing cloth I use for my pics!) Just itching to go back and play now.
Luckily, hubby is going to take DD to a birthday party this aftenoon, which will give me a little while at least.
Typical isn't it. I wait all this time for inspiration- and when it comes along- you can't get to use it!!LOL
Watch this gingham ribbon and hessian awaits!
Well- I did warn you in my title and my profile about what a ditherer I am- took me most of yesterday afternoon flicking through papers and rummaging through my ribbons. Finally I chose what to use on hubby's card......and then I had to collect kiddies from school!!(hmmm)
I have left my inspiration spread in bits and pieces all over the desk in the conservatory!! (discreetly hidden with the backing cloth I use for my pics!) Just itching to go back and play now.
Luckily, hubby is going to take DD to a birthday party this aftenoon, which will give me a little while at least.
Typical isn't it. I wait all this time for inspiration- and when it comes along- you can't get to use it!!LOL
Watch this gingham ribbon and hessian awaits!
Friday, 9 February 2007
Get my act together!
Got to make the most of today- it's my last "child-free" day for 10 days. Next week we have a busy schedule. Paediatrician, Occupational therapist and two days with BIBIC -another "expensive" assessment in an attempt to get DD statemented. But fingers crossed, she will eventually get the support at school she needs!
The snow has almost gone now, just a few icy patches and some very muddy slush left as evidence of the winter wonderland we woke up to yesterday.
Now...talking of slush...I am going to make a start on a Valentines project for my one and only!!!
The snow has almost gone now, just a few icy patches and some very muddy slush left as evidence of the winter wonderland we woke up to yesterday.
Now...talking of slush...I am going to make a start on a Valentines project for my one and only!!!
Thursday, 8 February 2007
A froggy old 40!!
Snow - Glorious snow!!

Well the weather forcast was right!! We woke up to a snowy blanket - well a few inches anyway.
Been a hectic morning, kiddies hyped up and were longingly looking out of the window instead of eating their breakfast. Unfortunately (for the kiddies) it seems their schools are the only ones in the area that are actually open!! Although as I left DD this morning, there were only 6 children in her class. The snow is still falling here so it's wait and see if the school decides to close half way through the day!
Took a few piccies in the back garden, shame I can't venture out further but still.
Right- kettle on, lets attempt a bit of crafting!!
Wednesday, 7 February 2007
A funny ol' day today!!!
I attend a family Numeracy workshop at the school on a Wednesday morning- so not had much chance for anything else really. I am feeling rather fed up with the whole SN educational business, the class had not been prepared at all to meet my daughters needs. The "numeracy teacher" said to me that she didn't know what to do for DD. (!!!!!) Well if she cannot differentiate the resources to suit a class of approx 10 children, who then all work on a one-to-one basis with their mums, well then there is not much hope when DD has to work in a large class with no additional support!!
All I have managed to do craftwise today, is make up about 40 Christmas trees!!! LOL- yeah, I know it's only February, but I have set myself a goal to make at least 25 xmas embellies each month to attempt to ease the pressure of Xmas later on in the year!!!
What's next on my list?
Need to make a card for my brother in laws 40th , then I will make a start on hubbys Valentine card. Let's hope I get some enthusiasm back for those!! Now - where did I leave it?
All I have managed to do craftwise today, is make up about 40 Christmas trees!!! LOL- yeah, I know it's only February, but I have set myself a goal to make at least 25 xmas embellies each month to attempt to ease the pressure of Xmas later on in the year!!!
What's next on my list?
Need to make a card for my brother in laws 40th , then I will make a start on hubbys Valentine card. Let's hope I get some enthusiasm back for those!! Now - where did I leave it?
Finished at last!

Had a difficult request to make a memory card for a woman who has lost her baby early in the pregnancy!
After scouring the net, I just couldn't find the words I wanted, so I made a mad attempt to write my own. I cried buckets and hesitated so much over what papers and embellies to use but today I have finally finished. Full of insecurity over such an emotional subject I am nervous over the response it will cause.
Tuesday, 6 February 2007
Hello to the land of Blog!!!!
It was one of my "resolutions" to get a blog up and running this year. (As if I don't have enough to do but hey ho!!!) Please excuse the lack of techno knowlegde, hopefully I will learn as I go along!!!
I may use this space to rant about my life and the obstacles that are thrown at us, I might use it to "chat" about my crafty achievements....or the lack of them, but more than likely a complete mish mash of my life as Dilly Dally Dingle.
I may use this space to rant about my life and the obstacles that are thrown at us, I might use it to "chat" about my crafty achievements....or the lack of them, but more than likely a complete mish mash of my life as Dilly Dally Dingle.
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