My first time of being tagged! As I understand you have to do seven fact/habits about yourself then tag another seven!!
So here we go, sorry they are not at all interesting, but berhaps you could read them before bedtime to help you sleep!
1. I grew up in Peckham, South East London. When I moved to Dartford in 1987- I thought it was really rural!!!!
2. I took my driving test 3 times before passing!(blush)
3. I only survived a term of A Levels, before getting bored and I started my first job ( at Lloyds Bank) on my 17th Birthday.
4. I went to college in my late 20s to study beauty therapy- and haven't really used it since pasing my NVQ!
5. I have a passion for unhealthty food, crisps, chocolate, huge take away name it!yum.
6. At 41, I am trying to decide what to do with my life...but by the time I decide I may be 60!
7. I am trying to embark on a "new me" program after 7 years of motherhood- I have forgotten who I am, but I do know I will never get back to 8.5 stone again!
So now I need to tag seven other people - Tracey, Tigger.... back later! I have a little helper at the moment, this could take me all night.
Saturday, 28 April 2007
OMG! I've been tagged!!!
Oh Hazel, what have you done!!LOL.
Don't know anything about this but apparently I need to state 7 things about myself and then tag 7 other watch out!! I am trying to get the ol' grey matter working to thing of 7 things about myself that are "remotely" interesting!! (eeek!- can't think of even 1!)
Don't know anything about this but apparently I need to state 7 things about myself and then tag 7 other watch out!! I am trying to get the ol' grey matter working to thing of 7 things about myself that are "remotely" interesting!! (eeek!- can't think of even 1!)
Wednesday, 25 April 2007
Watch out for a new ME!

LOL...well, I am just trying to make a bit more time for ME to be honest. A vain attempt at eating a bit healthier, drinking more water and less alcohol, exercising a bit more, pampering myself a bit....but not actually managing much of it. Still the thought is there and I have decided to go for the chop...literally, I am having my hair cut and coloured on Friday, so if you see this strange woman walking around with a paper bag over her know it's all gone drastically wrong.
I have manged some crafting today, but only building up some stock on the baby toppers- I am prepared for a Kentish baby boom now!
Last night we went to watch Jack at Beavers as he had his investiture. He has seemed to fit in well and is really enjoying it. He now has a handful of badges that some kind mummy will have to sew on for him!!
Monday, 23 April 2007
Baby Baby Baby!!!

Well, what a dull day compared to yesterday. It is rather cloudy here and it has tried to rain several times but not really managed much at all- I hope it doesn't succeed at 3pm when I have the school run to do!!
Still playing catch up, but I have managed to sew up loads of little baby bootees and slowly I am sticking on tiny little bows! Just to make a break from the boredom- I thought I'd actually make a few toppers using them and you can see what I have come up with so far.
Sunday, 22 April 2007
Sunny Sunday!!

What a glorious day! Just about to put yet another lot of washing on the line before attacking some curtains and cleaning windows!! Then that will be about it as far as housework goes In-Laws are coming down for the day.
Yesterday was a bit of a waste of a day, so many little bits and pieces that needed doing but looking back we didn't really achieve much. Had to go shopping for Jack's Beaver uniform- he has attended for 3 weeks now and has his investiture tomorrow eveneing!!! Got my camera at the ready! We also desperately needed to get him some new school trousers as I have had to take the hems down on a few pairs- he has just got sooo tall ( as has Amelia!) It is so hard to find trousrs long enough that don't look like he is impersonating Coco the Clown- his little waist is tiny! Managed to get some and a few little bargains for Amelia including the first Ladybird reading books as I am going to start a reading scheme with Amelia at home.
After our shopping expedition, Amelia had a party and then Chris and me had to erect a shed store type thing for the garden tools!!! It is still sitting in the middle of the patio at the moment though!
Just taken a few pics of Father in Laws card- as you can see I used the same papers as for the felt a vain attempt to use up part used papers!!LOL! Quite pleased- an adaptation of a boring and well used design I use quite often!(blush) but I hate making mens cards! I did enjoy using this colour combination though!
Friday, 20 April 2007
Thank goodness it's Friday!

As yet another weekend approaches - I am still left dangling. The changes/suggestions we want to be considered have been put in to the LEA on Wednesday and we are now just waiting to see what they come back with. Hopefully it will be OK and we won't need yet another meeting or to go down the tribunal route- far too much of Amelia's precious time has been wasted and I just want support in place for her as soon as possible.
The archietect turn up with the drawings BUT there were a few mistakes on them but hopefully by now, they will have been corrected and submitted to the we are just playing the waiting game.
As the week has progressed I have caught up on most of the boring everyday things that took a back seat while the children were at home...and today I have even managed some crafty time!!! Still got loads of crafty catching up to do and a hectic weekend ahead of us so I am not raising my hopes too high.
Today I decided to relax and play with the new dare from DCM. I needed to make a card for my neighbours birthday, so off I went!! I loved playing with the felt.
Tuesday, 17 April 2007
Things are on the up!!!
Kiddies went back to school today and in theory I should have been busy, but I spent most of the day just pottering around waiting for a phone call and not wanting to get involved with anything just to be interrupted. I got my phone called, from our IPSEA rep about 14.45pm and we had a mad dash through the statementing paperwork, discussing changes that we feel are appropriate. Goodness, what will I do with myself when I haven't got statementing battles to fight! I can see light at the end of the tunnel....but can't become too confident yet- it still might end up at Tribunal if the LEA don't agree to some of the changes.
On another positive note- our archietect rang toay to say our plans are ready....YIPPPPEEEE!! He is coming around tomorrow evening, so hopefully everything will be OK and be able to be submitted to the council this week. this rate I might even get a bit of crafting time sorted!!!! I missed some of the goals I planned last week so desperately need some catch up time!!
On another positive note- our archietect rang toay to say our plans are ready....YIPPPPEEEE!! He is coming around tomorrow evening, so hopefully everything will be OK and be able to be submitted to the council this week. this rate I might even get a bit of crafting time sorted!!!! I missed some of the goals I planned last week so desperately need some catch up time!!
Thursday, 12 April 2007
Oh no...more paperwork!!!
Spent a while this afternoon shuffling papers (the 12x12 variety) in a fruitless attempt at the DCM midweek recipe!!!! After constant interruptions from Amelia I gave up and ran around the garden like a mad woman with her!!! Papers left scattered over my work bench...I thought to myself..."I will have a go later when kiddies are in bed!"
What a fool, as if that was ever going to happen. Just finished a lovely of wine in hand and the phone rings!!! It was our IPSEA fun or relaxation for me tonight- instead I will be enjoying the paperwork of Amelia's proposed statement!!!! To be honest, I am in "bury my head in the sand " mode. Had just about enough of it all. It's taken a year to get this far and her statement is about as woolly as a flock of sheep!!!!! Oh well, fill my glass up and surround myself in boring LEA papers.
On top of all that I spoke to our archietect today and he hasn't even started on our plans for the extension!!!!! At this rate it is going to be an absolute nightmare in the summer holidays with Amelia "caged" in one room amidst a building site of a house!!!
My wine glass is beckoning!!
What a fool, as if that was ever going to happen. Just finished a lovely of wine in hand and the phone rings!!! It was our IPSEA fun or relaxation for me tonight- instead I will be enjoying the paperwork of Amelia's proposed statement!!!! To be honest, I am in "bury my head in the sand " mode. Had just about enough of it all. It's taken a year to get this far and her statement is about as woolly as a flock of sheep!!!!! Oh well, fill my glass up and surround myself in boring LEA papers.
On top of all that I spoke to our archietect today and he hasn't even started on our plans for the extension!!!!! At this rate it is going to be an absolute nightmare in the summer holidays with Amelia "caged" in one room amidst a building site of a house!!!
My wine glass is beckoning!!
Tuesday, 10 April 2007
Got some catching up to do!
Had a lovely Easter weekend- went to Farming World on Saturday, had the In-Laws around for dinner on Easter Sunday and just spent yesterday in the garden with the children. Overall it was a rather laid back, relaxing weekend!! Now Chris is back to work and I have the challenging task of persuading Jack to do some of his homework rather than leaving it all 'til the last minute!
As for crafting...not a lot has happened!!! I looked at my list of things to do this week and hung my head with shame.....slap my wrist!!!! It's hard to get myself motivated with the children around, that's my excuse anyway. But I have got to make some baby bootee cards so hopefully that will give me a little inspiration.
The misty start to the day is slowly burning off and it looks like we are in for another gorgeous sunny day. Let's hang another load of washing out (yawn) ,drag Jack away from the TV for 10 minutes so that this afternoon we can "play!"
As for crafting...not a lot has happened!!! I looked at my list of things to do this week and hung my head with shame.....slap my wrist!!!! It's hard to get myself motivated with the children around, that's my excuse anyway. But I have got to make some baby bootee cards so hopefully that will give me a little inspiration.
The misty start to the day is slowly burning off and it looks like we are in for another gorgeous sunny day. Let's hang another load of washing out (yawn) ,drag Jack away from the TV for 10 minutes so that this afternoon we can "play!"
Friday, 6 April 2007
3 birds with!!!

Still a bit down today, been flitting around from one thing to another and feeling like I've not reallt achieved anything. As soon as Chris got home I took myself out into the conservatory for some craft therapy to cheer me up!!!
Now, Dilly Dally Dingle just didn't know where to start and being that I am such an organised person (NOT!!!!!) I have somehow managed to "loosely" complete 3 challenge with 1 card!!
I was tempted by the Daring Card Makers Vintage challenge, and also by the new Create a Card challenge on Crafts by I got out my papers and started to play.
The requirements for Create a card challenge was to use;
0 Big Blooms
1 Feather
2 Brads
3 Gems
4 Patterned Papers
Well I cheated a bit and split a big feather into pieces to get the little "angel wings" effect I wanted. Not really sure of the result...not my usual style...that's if I even have a style!
In making the card I realised that I had also completed the "Buried Treasure" challenge on CBC as I have never used feathers on my cards...and apart from those little flower gems I used on the DCM monochrome card last week...I had never used gems either!!
Thursday, 5 April 2007
Mixed up day

Looking forward to a day with the kiddies but after Mr Postie had been I felt rather down! I have recieved Amelia's amended proposed statement and I just feel drained by the whole process to be honest. Going to have that hovering over me for the rest of the school holidays now.
The children have been playing out in the garden, it has been a glorious sunny afternoon and I have been sitting out in the conservatory with my eggbox attempt. Quite pleased with it-although there are things I would alter given the opportunity again. Pics not that great but had to rush Chris has just walked in the door!!!! He is banned from my blog for a few days peeping Chris........still got chocolate eggs to get!!!!!
My printer has broken so I had to make a few changes to my plan but basically I painted with antique white paint and gold for inside....then just played with a few papers and blooms and ended up with a mish mash of ideas!!!
Wednesday, 4 April 2007
What a mess!!!

In an attempt to make a start on my altered eggbox for Easter- a challenge on Crafts by Carolyn- I got the kiddies paints out yesterday and let them loose on an eggbox of their own!!!! BIG mistake, paint on table,
paint on floor, paint on Jack and Amelia, paint on curtain....get the picture!!!! They had great fun, but most of my time was spent running around washing their paintbrushes rather than actually working on my eggbox. AS you can see from the "before" eggbox isn't looking that altered yet!!! But there is hope today!!
paint on floor, paint on Jack and Amelia, paint on curtain....get the picture!!!! They had great fun, but most of my time was spent running around washing their paintbrushes rather than actually working on my eggbox. AS you can see from the "before" eggbox isn't looking that altered yet!!! But there is hope today!!
Tuesday, 3 April 2007
What's in store today!!
After spending most of yesterday morning at the hospital with Amelia, she has been referred to ENT again with the possibility of having grommits fitted. She is just so congested over the winter months and it is really having an impact on her hearing. He speech is poor at the best of times so I am trying to be positive in thinking this can only be a good thing which may (fingers crossed) even help the clarity of her speech. Got enough time to get used to the idea anyway...on another waiting list!!!!!
Didn't do much in the way of crafting yesterday, cut some inchies ready for a swap on LCC but that was as far as I got with them!! I am also knitting another batch of likkle baby bootees for some cards and toppers.....I don't mind knitting them, it's the fiddly sewing up that puts me off, but perhaps I should set myself a goal. Hmmmmm yes!!!!
Let set some goals for the week then:
*Finish at least 10 pairs of bootees
*Finish the batch of XMAS wreaths I started making last month(in a vain attempt to be ogragnised!)
* Finish at least 10 more inchies
*Attempt the altered Eggbox challlenge on CBC( might get "help" from Kiddies!!!)
*ooo...yes Father In-Laws card too!!
I think I'd better stop there seeing as kiddies are at home with me!
Didn't do much in the way of crafting yesterday, cut some inchies ready for a swap on LCC but that was as far as I got with them!! I am also knitting another batch of likkle baby bootees for some cards and toppers.....I don't mind knitting them, it's the fiddly sewing up that puts me off, but perhaps I should set myself a goal. Hmmmmm yes!!!!
Let set some goals for the week then:
*Finish at least 10 pairs of bootees
*Finish the batch of XMAS wreaths I started making last month(in a vain attempt to be ogragnised!)
* Finish at least 10 more inchies
*Attempt the altered Eggbox challlenge on CBC( might get "help" from Kiddies!!!)
*ooo...yes Father In-Laws card too!!
I think I'd better stop there seeing as kiddies are at home with me!
Monday, 2 April 2007
DCM- Moody blue!!!

After such a busy week I have been feeling at a bit of a loose end today- got so much to do and not really sure where to start!!!We are hanging in limbo about Amelia's statement and still waiting for the plans for the extension before we can go any further. Fed up of feeling I hadn't achieved anything- I sat down this afternoon to make our God-daughter a birthday card. Thought I'd try another monochrome one for the Daring Card Makers challenge- but again I really struggled to find matching tones of blue. Not really happy with the finished result- I used a new pen for doodling and I don't like the heaviness of it- so I tried to disguise it with glitter!LOL!
Had fun though- next I need to make a card for my Father-in-law so I might try greys or browns for him!
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