Today I have "a day off!" It's 10am and so far I have; Done 2 loads of washing, loaded and unloaded the dishwasher, hung one load on line. Cut a little template for an Easter basket for Amelia to decorate, found some little Spring stickers from the depths of my craft room, shredded some green paper to make some grass and then did some reading with Amelia. Taken in some furniture, telling the delivery drivers I wanted it left downstairs. I have a large unit in the hallway and two smaller ones left in the middle of the front room! As soon as they had gone I decided that I couldn't wait for Chris to get home to re-arrange our bedroom. SO, I have moved one bedside table, hoovered behind it, dusted skirting board and told myself that I was strong enough to get one of the new smaller chest of drawers up by myself. TOO heavy, took drawers out and inch by inch I managed to carry the unit up. I am just having a tea break before continuing with the next part of my plan to get de-cluttered and organised. One day, I will live in a clutter free, chaos free, organised home! LOL...I DON'T think!
x X x
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