Sunday, 30 March 2014

Happy Mother's Day!

I've had a lovely day. A cooked breakfast, choccies, flowers, DVD. A scrummy prawn salad for lunch.
Afternoon tea and cakes with my darling Mum. Then while Chris cooked a gorgeous dinner of roast pork I made the most of a little me time sorting out my craft room.

Last Wednesday, this is what it looked like, well one small wall next to me main craft desk. Unloved, unorganised and completely uninspiring. 

My new shelves were waxed and waiting to be hung, and this afternoon Chris and Jack put them up for me!
I was very keen and eager to fill them. 

I am not saying everything will stay on these shelves as I am yet to start painting an almost identical set of shelves to go on the opposite wall BUT I have really enjoyed categorising and sorting as I work through various boxes.

I am a long way from finished and I know I will keep taking steps backwards before I get there but I am really surprised how much I am enjoying the process. 

Right, off to sample some of those chocolates and watch one of my new DVDs. 


Thursday, 27 March 2014

Drum roll please.....

............I have now found a workable surface in my craft room! (Does little victory dance!) I know I still have such a long way to go, but small steps and all that!

It's been an awful day, Amelia was awake at 5.45 am, all excited and telling me that she was going bowling with her school today. I really didn't need to be reminded, especially at some unearthly time in the morning. 
Chris had an early start so it was hardly worth hiding under the duvet for an sneaky nap. Next on the agenda was Jack, who MAY or MAY NOT be suffering with hay fever, he looked  and sounded awful so I sent him back to bed.

Worked this morning and it was just manic, the children were just so hyped up and loud. It didn't help that we had visitors in observing one of the children. At 1.00pm I was well and truly in need of my egg and bacon butty and a HOT cup of tea!

Feeling refreshed I headed up to my craft room, feeling quite motivated and positive about making progress in my Big Craft Room Clean Up! 

Looking forward to actually sitting in my little room and getting creative but I am not quite ready for that YET!


Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Chaos in the Craft Room!

Well, part of my goals for March was to spend at least an hour a week tidying and organising my craft junk room. I have done so little crafting in recent times it has just been a dumping ground for potential Ebay stuff and things that just don't have their own place to go.

So, this afternoon I squeezed into the clutter for about an hour and shuffled things around. Didn't actually achieve much but it is a start. Just getting in the room was a challenge in itself.

Underneath this, there is a work desk!

The felt board has not really been used since I was working on sentence structure, verbs etc to support Amelia's Speech and Language. (She must have been in Primary School! LOL) I am sure I could be using that space more effectively now.


and after "my hour!"

HMMM! Not much difference is there! LOL

BUT, sitting in the conservatory almost ready to go!

 I think I need a whole new outlook and re-think on my junk room.

Hey ho!
