Well, just back from another hospital visit with Amelia. After several cancellations, I complained and we have at last got to see an ENT consultant. Amelia has been going round telling everyone that the doctor is going to "hoover her ears out" and we giggled about having to wait and the fact that I couldn't exactly clean them out with my Dyson!
Luckily the wait was unusually good but it seemed the consultant barely had time for us to sit down before he was trying to get us back out the door. At least her likkle ears are wax free again for a while but her has referred us to yet another Paediatric ENT consultant regarding her adenoids. Ho hum, something for us all to look forward to next year then!
Anyway, enough of the moaning, let's get on with the only little bit of creativity in a while. We melted some chocolate the other day and poured into some little Christmas moulds we salvaged from a previous year's Advent Calenders. Then after they had set Amelia enjoyed selecting them and putting them into our "Advent Truck" which was a bargain in the January sales at Lakeland Plastics.
Concentrating hard...decisions, decisions. Hmmmm

Hmmm, I wonder if mum would notice if one "went missing!"

"I'll save the spare one for Daddy!"

Thought Jack might have been too old to want to do this but I think the thought of chocolate swayed him to give 5 minutes of "Game time or tv time or computer time!"
Right, I have a few hours "spare" shall I try to do some crafting or start that fight for Amelia Blue Bagde that I keep on putting off?
Take care.
x X x